This is the condition in which fibrosis of liver occur which cause permanent damage of liver. Liver cirrhosis is many times compared with Kumbhakaamla described in Ayurveda. It generally occurs as a complication of liver disease.

In this condition liver becomes nodular atrophic with coarse echo
texture. The size of liver becomes reduced or Shrunken .Due to which liver was unable to perform its normal functions .

Functions of Liver- Helps in metabolism process nm

control infections
remove bacteria and toxins from the blood

process nutrients, hormones, and drugs
make proteins that regulate blood clotting
produce bile to help absorb fats including cholesterol and fat-solueble vitamins


hepatitis B and C

fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Autoimmune hepatitis
Diseases that damage or destroy bile ducts like biliary atresia
Inherited diseases – Cystic fibrosis, Wilson disease, galactosemia,
Drugs, toxins, and infections – drug reactions, prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals, parasitic infections

Loss of appetite
Nausea, vomiting
Sudden weight loss or gain
Yellowing of skin or the whites of eyes (jaundice)
Itching all over skin
Edema over ankles, legs, and abdomen (often an early sign)
abdominal pain and bloating
spiderlike blood vessels on the skin
yellowish coloured urine
Blood in the stool

Ayurvedic Treatment

Kumbha Kamala is the classical description if cirrhosis of liver in Ayurveda.

“|| Kaalantarath khareebhutah kruchrasyaat khumba kamala ||”

When kamala or jaundice or hepatitis was untreated the it will cause the disease called asKumbhkamala.It , produces dryness or roughness to the Liver (kharathva or rookshatva).

Shodana chikitsa done with panchkarma therapies

Shamana chikitsa done with the help of ayurvedic medicines

Rasayana chikitsa.


Dadimadya ghruta
Katukadya ghrut
Pathy ghruta
Arogyavardhini vati,
Triphala churna
Katuki churna
Kalamegha churna
Drakshadi kashayam
Guluchyadi kashayam
Mixcture of GuduchiYashtimadhuAmalaki churna